Urban Architecture


The program coordinator
Nana Kutateladze
TSAA Associate Professor, PhD in Architecture

Name of the educational program - Urban Architecture

Level of education – Master’s degree

Awarded qualification - Master of Architecture
Prerequisite for admission to the program: - The applicants that have qualification of bachelor of architecture, or bachelor of civilian construction and industrial engineering; have passed Unified National Masters Examinations and examinations of TSAA faculty of architecture in foreign language (level B II), will be admitted to this master’s program. The entrant's assessment in specialty is carried out by the submitted portfolio and documentation (CV, motivation letter, references).

Brief description of the program: Urban environment of a city undergoes constant transformation under the influence of economic, technical achievements and political factors. The growth of urban boundaries is followed by emergence of territories to be reevaluated, such as historical zones, former military bases, territories of factories, which require a special complex approach, rehabilitation-regeneration, functional, planning and spatial reorganization. These problems affected almost all historical cities. The idea of ​​this program was developed in 2003-2006 as a result of cooperation between Tbilisi State Academy of Arts (Georgia) and the teachers’ training program at the architectural faculty of the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany.
The master's program of urban architecture combines traditions and innovations in this field (theoretical, practical, and research directions of urban architecture, structural and technical systems, peculiarities of preservation and development of landscape architecture in urban environment, environmental problems, the study of social needs, and management). The program is based on modern methods of teaching and learning and promotes development of intellectual, and creative abilities of students.
A graduate of the above-mentioned master's program will be able to create an innovative project by adjusting a model to the environment, taking into account the specifics of the field, and integrating obtained information (allocation of small territories from a wide range of research areas on the basis of spatial analysis of urban structure and social survey).

The Program Structure

The cycle of professional practical disciplines –                  47        ECTS
The cycle of professional theoretical disciplines –              23        ECTS
The cycle of engineering disciplines -                                  12        ECTS
The cycle of social disciplines -                                            6          ECTS
The cycle of university disciplines -                                                 12        ECTS
Master's thesis -                                                                     30        ECTS
Total –                                                                                    130      ECTS

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