Digital Media


Head of the Program:
Nana Iashvili, Doctor of Architecture,
Professor of the TSAA Faculty of Media Arts

Name of the Master Program: Digital Media
Higher level of academic education: Master
Awarded qualification: 
08 0201MA in ARTS (Digital media)
08 02 05 MA in Arts      (Visual communication and advertising)
Admission prerequisite:  
1. Those willing to continue their studies on the Masters Degree program of the Faculty of Media Arts of TSAA must have a Bachelor's Degree.
2. To get acquainted with the concept and content of the Masters Program in advance and to make a decision on selecting a specific sub-field, which will be indicated in the application.
3. To get acquainted with the test in the specialty (digital media) whose test sheet will be selected based on his application. (Appendix 1).
4. To get acquainted with the test in creative skills (special painting).
5. To get acquainted with the test in foreign language (B2 level).
Successful exams will result in partial financing of the future masters by the TSA Academy (defined by three places). Competition will satisfy the best result - specialty (digital media) and creativity skills (special painting) according to the total scores.

Masters program structure:
Basic disciplines - 33 ECTS
Special disciplines - 45 ECTS
University disciplines - 30 ECTS
Elective subjects - 12 ECTS
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