Erasmus + students one-semester credit mobility to the Ecole Natoinale Superieure d'Arts de Paris-Cergy (ENSAPC), France - srudents of the TSAA Fine Art Faculty - Tamar Bebia, Mariam Odishvili. See the winner portfolios following the link ''Erasmus winner portfolios''

7-31 May, Erasmus+ academic staff teaching mobility from the Balears, Escola d'Art i
Superior de Disseny de les Illes Balears, Maria ABANDO,  Director, and    Pilar ROVIRA,  Head of International Relations, Cooperation & Mobility Department. The workshop ‘Design for all’ will be held for the TSAA students, and also, the presentation on   ‘Best practice in Spain’

- 13-17 May, participation in the Erasmus International Staff Week at the  Ghent University, Belgium, - Maya Kipiani, Head of International Relations Department,  Erasmus Coordinator.

- 16 May, meeting with  professor Luk Bouters, Dean of the Graphic and Media arts Department,  Artevelde Hogeschool,  member of the Ghent University  Association. Negotiation on future Erasmus cooperation will be held at the Graphic and Media arts Department.