·         Politecnico di Milano, Italy,   4 students, 2  professors,  (directions of architecture restoration and architecture),
·         FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences,  Austria, 3 students,    1  professors,   2020 (directions of  architecture and media art),
·         University of Liechtenstein,  Liechtenstein, 2  students, 2020 (direction of  architecture),
·         Tartu Art College of the Pallas University of Applied Sciences, Tartu, Estonia,      2  professors,  2 students,   2019 -2020  (directions of  fine art and restoration/conservation),
·         Balears, Escola d'Art i Superior de Disseny de les Illes Balears,  Spain, 2  professors, 2019-2020   (directions of  interior design and graphic design).  
·         Danube University Krems ~ Donau-Universität Krems, Austria, Erasmus agreement was signed with the Media art Faculty,
·         Escola d'Art i Superior de Disseny de Castelló,  Spain -12 grants, 2019-2021  (directions of  architecture interior design, ceramics, graphic design),                
·         University of Granada,  1 professor,  (direction of  fine art)  
·         ENSA Dijon Art & Design, École Nationale Supérieure d'Art, France,    1 student და 1 professor,  2019-2020  (direction of  graphics and photography),  
·         FONDAZIONE ACCADEMIA DI BELLE ARTI "P. VANNUCCI",  Italy,    1  professor, (direction of  art history),  
·         Szczecin Academy of Art, Poland, 1 professor, 1  student,  2019-2020, (direction of  art history),  
·         Sofia, National Academy of Art, Bulgaria,  2 professors, 1 students   (direction of  fine arts),  
·         ,,George Enescu, IASI , Romania,   2   professors, (direction of  fine arts),  
·         "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iași, Romania,   2 students, 2019-2020,   (direction of  architecture)
.         Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk, Poland,  2 professors, 1 student (direction of  fine arts)