Erasmus + New Funding options, 2020

18 / 07 / 2020

Please see below the   new funding options for the students and the academic/administrative staff within  the Erasmus + program (information is being constantly updated).  Due to Covid19 pandemic, the TSSA and its Erasmus Partner Universities have postponed almost all the  mobilites in summer semester, 2020, as well as, the students and staff selections for the mobilities in the winter  semester, 2020. The mobilities can be implemented    in accordance to the governmental instructions/regulations  of the Ministry  of Health and the Ministry of Education in connection with  the coronavirus pandemic conditions.

Catholic Private University Linz, Austria, ,  full funding amount 48 840 euro: 2-2 academic staff exchange mobilities, 6 Georgian students and  3 Austrian students mobilities  (Direction of art history and theory)  
Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Austria,, 3 Georgian students mobilities  to Salzburg, 1-1 academic staff exchange mobilities (Direction  of industrial and product design-3D visualization)
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts de Paris-Cergy (ENSAPC), France (Direction of fine art, partnership within Erasmus+ program  is renewed  for the   2020-2023, mobility details will be discussed in September, 2020).
 FH | JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences, Austria, 1-1 academic staff exchange mobilities, 3 Georgian students  and 1 Austrian student mobilities (Direction of architecture). The new mobility options are added to those postponed mobilities of the summer semester, 2020, and winter semester, 2020.  
Pallas University of Applied Sciences, Esthonia, : 1-1 academic staff exchange mobilities, 1 Georgian student and  1 Esthonain student mobilities   (Direction of restoration and fine art). The 2 academic staff representatives from both institutions and 2 students are  nominated  for the mobilities in the winter semester 2020
Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava – AFAD,  (Direction of Fine Art. Mobility details will be discussed in September, 2020)
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts de Paris-Cergy (ENSAPC)  (Direction of Fine Art,   Mobility details will be discussed in the September, 2020).
Art Academy of Szczecin, Poland, 1-1 academic staff exchange mobilities, 1 student mobility to Szczecin      (Direction of Fine Art) 
Escola d'Art i Superior de Disseny de les Illes Balears, Palma, Spain,  Direction of Fine Art. 3-3  academic staff exchange mobilities, 2 Georgian students internships to Spain
Escuela de Arte de Oviedo, Spain   (   (Direction of Fine Art. Mobility details will be discussed in the summer semester, 2021)  
Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk,Poland,, (Direction of Fine Artს. 1-1  academic staff exchange mobilities, 1 Georgian student mobility to Gdansk )  шаблоны для dle 11.2